Photo: Brasil de Fato | Leonardo de França
2021 begins with hunger surrounding the homes of millions of Brazilians, with the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise in unemployment, the increase in basic food prices and the end of emergency assistance of decent value to survive has put the population in social vulnerability.
Studies claim that 19 million Brazilians went hungry in the pandemic is an alarming number, it is heartbreaking to see the media reporting families with closets and refrigerators practically empty. And inequality and racism are more evident as the fact that poverty affects women and people with black or brown skin, and the Northeasterners more strongly.
Photo: Ciclo Vivo | Unidos do Bem
The government of Brazil will pay another round of emergency assistance with an extremely reduced amount that varies between R$ 150.00 and R$ 375.00 reais.
The higher amount will go to women who are heads of household, “A black woman, a single mother, unemployed who has 3 small children, who pays rent, water and electricity, who needs to buy basic food (Rice, beans, cornmeal, meat, milk …) Who received R $ 1,200 reais and who started to receive R$ 375,00 reals had not been able to meet the basic needs to survive”.
Will it be just 4 installments according to provisional measure No. 1,039 of March 18, 2021, and then what will the lives of these families be like?
As long as there is no seriousness on the part of the government regarding the pandemic and vaccine to eradicate this virus, the situation will get even worse, emergency actions need to be taken so that we don't collapse.
Mirtes Renata de Souza, Mother of Miguel Otávio, Law student, social activist for AfroResistance and Grupo Curumim.