Photo: Sara Quiñones
Hello everyone!
My name is Sara Liliana Quiñones Valencia, I am Colombian and I am part of the AfroResistance team. Today I want to share what is the Cimarrona Guard here in Colombia.
The Cimarrona Guard is a part of the justice system. The goal is to safeguard the integrity of the Afro-Colombians, Raizal, and Palenquero communities. The main functions are to defend, protect and care for the fundamental rights to the territory as a living space.
The Guard is composed of men and women. The objectives are to promote and establish coexistence, community harmony, traditional cultural practices, and values based on internal regulations, environmental use and management plans, healthy living plans, and neighborhood plans, among other self-management norms.

Photo: Iván Valencia
The Cimarrona Guard implements guidelines defined by community councils, ethnic organizations, and other Black community dynamics to ensure control, harmony, and protection of the territories, rights, and integrity of Black people.
The guiding principles of the Guard are the collective ethnic rights of Afro-Colombians. These are rights to territory, organization, participation, identity, autonomy, the vision of the present and the future, and solidarity with their community.
To learn more:
Conferencia Nacional de Organizaciones Afrocolombianas - https://convergenciacnoa.org/la-guardia-cimarrona-experiencia-que-inspira-a-los-consejos-comunitarios-de-uraba/